What is the difference between IT and Cyber Security?

While cybersecurity and information technology are certainly similar, they are not the same. Information technology (IT) is about applying new technologies to help an organization grow. This includes things like improving network performance, improving communications and facilitating information sharing. In information technology, there is IT security, which is the creation and implementation of systems and processes that protect organizational data in any form, physical or electronic. Cybersecurity, on the other hand, is the protection of electronic data. It includes protection against attackers’ access to networks, computers, software and data, and is in fact part of the broader framework of computer security.

Cybersecurity can be thought of as a subset of computer science. While cyber security is about protecting data from Internet attacks, IT is the overall process that includes how company data is handled on a daily basis. Your company will need to develop robust IT and cyber security risk management plans. In fact, it is the best way to prevent data loss or online threats.

The important difference between IT security and cyber security

In fact, the roles overlap between IT and cybersecurity professionals. Both approaches aim to protect sensitive company data, through a combination of technology and physical processes.

However, there are important differences in how each data security process is implemented. Some of these differences are:

  • The scope of data covered

IT security is a broad approach to data security that includes both electronic and physical data. It deals with how files are printed, shared and stored in cabinets, while it describes electronic data processes.

In contrast, cyber security only includes electronic data transmitted over the Internet. A cybersecurity plan sets out policies and procedures to protect data from online attacks.

  • Approach

The ultimate goal of cyber security is to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of company information. Therefore, cyber security is a holistic approach that includes how all company data is collected, stored, shared and processed.

Cybersecurity protects sensitive data from unauthorized access to online channels. The basic approach to cyber security consists of assessing risks, developing a risk assessment matrix, analyzing these risks and implementing a risk management plan.

  • Applied techniques

Information technology and cyber security also differ in the way they are applied. First, IT security focuses on multiple channels that extend beyond cyberspace. IT security can include physical access to different parts of the workplace and deciding who can open or modify certain files. The IT security plan may also provide guidelines for the collection of customer data (whether electronic or physical) and how employees handle that data.

Cybersecurity is primarily a risk management and prevention strategy. Methods applied include password protection, data encryption and network security to prevent online intrusions. As more and more companies rely on the Internet for their daily operations, cyber security has become a major concern. Ensuring the security of sensitive data online is an important aspect of any company’s overall data security strategy.

Both IT security and cyber security focus on preventing risks to company data. Therefore, risk assessment, analysis and risk management are essential to keep your data safe. Regardless of your industry, you will need to test your existing environment, systems and processes as part of your implementation of IT or cyber security.

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